The courtrooms of 1903 Los Angeles are a man's world -- until Kit Shannon arrives ...
City of Angels is an edgy, gritty, mature Young Adult mystery about a teenager’s struggle to not only belong — but survive.
Discover the true stories of spiritual warfare being waged in the streets and alleys of L.A."--Amazon website
On the floor, mixed in with pieces of wood and rotten bits of newspapers, the occasional rag. Direcdy beside him was a portable cooking stove. But more important, a pack of matches. Ironically, they were from the cafe they'd just fled.
This is their story, and ours.
The stunning final novel from East Germany's most acclaimed writer Three years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the writer Christa Wolf was granted access to her newly declassified Stasi files.
An official companion to the popular MTV series follows Lauren's latest efforts to relocate to Los Angeles, an endeavor for which she takes classes in fashion and struggles to prove herself throughout an internship at Teen Vogue.
Since the 1980s, Los Angeles has become the most racially and economically divided city in the United States. In the poorest parts of South Central Los Angeles, buildings in disrepair—the...
Lancaster was victimized by a sting perpetrated by Dekker with the woman who was actually his wife, Gardner. The ex-fighter was perceived as the individual who absconded with the funds, which were actually shared in their entirety by ...
Wall Calendar Los Angeles, DIN A3 landscape, 14 pages, 250 g/sqm picture-quality paper, matt, coated.
City of Angels