After the Spanish galleon attacked the English merchant ship, Varian St. Clare was shocked to learn that the captain of the privateer who saved him was Juliet Dante, daughter of legendary Pirate Wolf ... arian had been sent by the King to tell Juliet's father about a new peace treaty between Spain and England. Juliet agrees to bring Varian to her father-but only as her hostage. But as the attraction between Juliet and Varian builds, and as intrigue swirls, the danger of the high seas will match the danger of surrendering to desire ...
For reading group notes visit Ylwct. Ola/ssic/s. The Commandant Jessica Anderson lntroduced by Carmen Callil Homesickness Murray Bail lntroduced by Peter Conrad Sydney Bridge Upside Down David Ballantyne lntroduced ...
A young Mormon girl living in Austria through half a century of upheavals demonstrates an iron determination to surmount her peasant beginnings and become a physician.
Charlotte Ross (1843-1916) belonged to the first generation of women to practice medicine in Canada and was Manitoba's first qualified woman doctor.
Following a Spanish galleon's attack on his English merchant ship, Varian St. Clare discovers that the captain of the privateer who saved him is Juliet Dante, daughter of the legendary Pirate Wolf, who Varian has been sent to find.
IRON ROSE A Family Saga Based on Real Lives-- Austria, 1909 - From the night nine-year-old Rosa helps deliver her mother's baby amidst fire and snow, through half a century of earthshaking upheavals, Rosa shows an iron determination to ...
Iron Rose is the tale of one of the strongest women in America's history--a woman guided by her faith in both her family and her religion--and ensures Rose her rightful place as one of the 20th century's most influential women.
Great for reading alone or reading aloud at camp or school! The book features an introduction and commentary by the authors and black-and-white illustrations throughout. Welcome to The Cabinet of Curiosities Please enter.
... lines that, like so many magicians, conjure a rabbit there for her pleasure Spark-charged Jim, he'd throw off nine new ideas a minute; most were wildly impractical or even silly but some, some were ingenious; he could shower sparks ...
Iron Rose
"When Mac Faraday's best friend is found hanging, the assumption is suicide.