Enhance your spirit and your quality of life. The Little Book of Bliss is a road map for the journey of life. The destination is unimportant aelig;the way in which you travel toward it most certainly is. Life is like a dance. Keep moving, pause often, but never lose momentum. Pay attention to your fellow travelers. Find a place and, more important, a direction and continue on life's journey. Fluidity, poise, and patience, along with a clear and focused spirit, will make life meaningful. Each page turned is another step forward to finding an inner peace and bliss. By turning thoughts inward, contentment, mindfulness, and happiness are all within reach.The Little Book of Bliss teaches how to find happiness in each moment, to appreciate stillness and progress, and to access and grow the sensation of bliss. This is the perfect gift for a friend or to cherish as a keepsake.