Fire on the Rim combines an idealist's call for social justice, cultural difference, and environmental sustainability with a realist's recognition of the continuing need for balance of power security relations around the Pacific Rim. Although this melding of idealist and realist elements is sure to meet opposition on the Right and Left alike, the author's call for moral realism is a vital step toward an Asia policy fit for the twenty-first century. Visit our website for sample chapters!
California's Rim fire: Behind the Headlines is the culmination of in-depth interviews with several of the key players that responded to the fire and community members that were impacted.
At the same time, the work examines how the people and cultures of the Pacific Rim view this active part of the earth, how they live with the threat of disaster, and how they have been affected by major events that have occurred.
The Philippines: Fire on the Rim
Fire on the Rim: The Asia Pacific Region and World Evangelism
In addition to this, a Work Log is a record of actions, events, accomplishments, and incidences. Record activities in your Work Log hourly, daily, weekly or even monthly. But why is it important to keep a Work Log? A Work Log: a.
Rim Of Fire by Gar Wilson released on Jan 25, 1989 is available now for purchase.