A New Beginning sheds light on one mother's struggle through a period of transition out of full-time motherhood to an empty nest and the discovery of identity apart from motherhood.Filled with colorful family photos and a heart-warming story, A New Beginning is sure to encourage other women dealing with the "Empty Nest" syndrome.
The Almanac of Oklahoma Politics
House of Representatives Practice
Part of this publication was previously ordered to be printed as HCP 1193 1997-98 [which was not published]
Legislative staff services: 50 state profiles
The Legislative Way of Life
HC 954 - Legacy Report
The Annotated Ordinances of Hong Kong: 立法院條例(第542章). Legislative Council Ordinance (Cap 542)
Inside the Legislative Process
Chaos reigns in Marianstat as Duke Conrad of Regia, the king's uncle, plots to overthrow the new government of Westmark and bring an end to the reforms instituted by Mickle, now Queen Augusta, Theo, and their companions.
Global Parliamentary Report: The Changing Nature of Parliamentary Representation