This volume presents a global narrative of the origins of the modern world. Unlike most studies, which assume that the rise of the West is the story of the coming of the modern world, this history accords importance to the 'underdeveloped world'.
In the book's final chapters, Keys delves into the mystery at the heart of this global catastrophe: Why did it happen? The answer, at once surprising and definitive, holds chilling implications for our own precarious geopolitical future.
... 386 social, 434 (Tocqueville), 323, 479 Democratic Party, U.S., 8 democratization, 3, 250, 322, 325, 459 (Wrangham), 31 Deng, Kent, 501 , 517 Deng Xiaoping, 65, 120, 317,475 Denmark, 14, 16, 143, 258, 431–34, 447 accountability in, ...
... been crowned while sitting above the stone; in the words of Dean Stanley, in his Memorials of Westminster Abbey, it is the “one primeval monument that binds together the whole Empire . . . a link to the traditions of Tara and Iona.
"The Modern World System", Immanuel Wallerstein's influential multivolume reinterpretation of global history, traces the emergence and development of the modern world from the sixteenth century to the twentieth.
John Robert Shepherd, Statecraft and Political Economy on the Taiwan Frontier, 1600-1800 (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1993), 37-38. See also Magnus Fiskesjo, “”On the 'Raw' and the 'Cooked” Barbarians,” 144-45. 105.
Human illnesses can be understood as damage to those adaptations that we took on at various stages in our evolution from pre-life molecules to modern Homo sapiens.
In this groundbreaking book, celebrated economic historian Joel Mokyr argues that a culture of growth specific to early modern Europe and the European Enlightenment laid the foundations for the scientific advances and pioneering inventions ...
Alfred North Whitehead. which is an object of thought may be called an entity . In this sense , a function is an entity . Obviously , this is not what James had in his mind . In agreement with the organic theory of nature which I have ...
This book provides a unique look at the early years of European discovery and colonization, analyzing the impact of this period on the historical development of both the New and Old Worlds.
This book is a thematic history of the world from 1780, the pivotal year of the revolutionary age, to the outbreak of the First World War in 1914.