"In recent years, Americans have become frustrated with the troubled relationship between religion and politics: an exclusive claim on faith and values from the right and a radical divorce of faith from politics on the left. Now a new group of religious leaders is re-envisioning religion in public life and blazing a trail that goes beyond partisan politics to work for a more just and inclusive society. Progressive & Religious draws on nearly one hundred in-depth interviews with Jewish, Christian, Muslim, and Buddhist leaders to tell the story of this dynamic, emerging movement." "Robert P. Jones explains how progressive religious leaders are tapping the deep connections between religion and social justice to work on issues like poverty and workers' rights, the environment, health care, pluralism, and human rights."--BOOK JACKET.
Fenton deeply rooted in Iroquois demography and social and Moore , I , 71 ; B. H. Quain , “ The Iroquois , ” in structure ; my use of the term accordingly reflects a Margaret Mead , ed . , Cooperation and Competition more holistic view ...
Die grossen Religionen der Welt
An inside look at the history and influence of New Age's spiritual home.
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen universitärer ( Religions- ) Lehrerbildung , in : rhs 43 ( 2000 ) , 126-132 . ... Ziebertz , Hans - Georg / Heil , Stefan / Riegel , Ulrich : Religionslehrerbildung an der Universität .
I.10 The Ethical Implications of Unity and the Divine in Nicholas of Cusa. David L. De Leonardis. ... Normative Ethics and Objective Reason. ... I.14 The Deficient Cause of Moral Evil According to Thomas Aquinas. Edward Cook.
But endurance produces character, and character produces hope, even in our secular age.
Kultur und Religion in der Begegnung mit dem Fremden
Vgl. P. Tillich, Religionsphilosophie, in: ders., Frühe Werke, GW I, Stuttgart 21959, 340: „Aus dem Gegensatz von Göttlich und Dämonisch ergeben sich die religiösen Grundrichtungen und damit die geistesgeschichtliche Konstruktion der ...
Including an introduction by the authors, this is a revealing text by one of the most original thinkers of our time."--Bloomsbury Publishing