Southern Baptists are the nation's largest protestant denomination, with over 43,000 churches and millions of members. Since its inception, controversy has surrounded the Baptist Faith and Message 2000, Southern Baptists' most recent confession of faith. The present volume consists of essays by Baptist scholars explaining and defending that document. Each of the 18 articles of the BF&M 2000 is addressed, with special attention to the most critical issues and changes from the denomination's 1963 confession. Also included is an appendix comprising the full text of all three Baptist Faith and Message statements from the 20th century (1925, 1963, and 2000), in side-by-side columns for easy reference and comparison. Contributors include Al Mohler, Paige Patterson, Tom Nettles, Dorothy Patterson, E. David Cook, and C. Ben Mitchell, with a foreword by Susie Hawkins. Brief yet comprehensive, detailed yet accessible to the non-specialist, this volume is a must read for Southern Baptist professors and students, staff and church members, and anyone interested in one of the most powerful religious forces in America.
Unto His people, He works all things together for good, even if those circumstances are bad19 (Jeremiah 29:11, Romans 8:28, ... Clarkson, Margaret., Grace Grows Best in 'Winter, (Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 1984), ularly referred to as the ...
Baptist Faith & Message (2000 Tract) is a 24-page tract containing the statement of faith and message adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention on June 14, 2000.
The Baptist Faith and Message 2000
This study examines in detail the 18 doctrines outlined in the Baptist Faith and Message statement.
" This book is really 18 books in one.
Baptist Faith and Message 2000
Still Confessing: A Reformed Baptist Exposition of the Baptist Faith and Message 2000
Chapter 6 examines in detail the work of the Committee itself and looks at those persons or groups who influenced the outcome of the Committee's work.
" This book is really 18 books in one.
Northern Baptist theologians Shailer Mathews and William Newton Clarke from the early twentieth century and Molly Truman Marshall today have appealed to sources suchas experienceortothe “Spirit” leading thechurch todayinto new“truths,” ...