In eight Tuesdays each year, Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan convenes a small committee to set the short-term interest rate that can move through the American and world economies like an electric jolt. As much as any, the committee's actions determine the economic well-being of every American. The availability of money for business or consumer loans, mortgages, job creation and overall national economic growth flows from those decisions. Perhaps the last Washington secret is how the Federal Reserve and its enigmatic chairman, Alan Greenspan, operate. In Maestro, Bob Woodward takes you inside the Fed and Greenspan's thinking. We listen to the Fed's internal debates as the American economy is pushed into a historic 10-year expansion while the world economy lurches from financial crisis to financial crisis. Greenspan plays a sometimes subtle, sometimes blunt behind-the-scenes role. He appears in Maestro up close as never before -- alternately nervous and calm, plunging into mathematics one moment and politics the next, skeptical, dispassionate, always struggling -- often alone. Maestro traces a fascinating intellectual journey as Greenspan, an old-school anti-inflation hawk of the traditional economy, is among the first to realize the potential in the modern, high-productivity new economy -- the foundation of the current American boom. Woodward's account of the Greenspan years is a remarkable portrait of a man who has become the symbol of American economic preeminence.
周道臺向坐在一邊的何師爺請教,何師爺沉吟了一番說道:"黃大人心里不喜歡藩司,周兄你也清楚。其實,黃大人并不反對購買炮船,如果你們已經同洋人談好了,但這不是一筆小數目,如果要巡撫院來出這筆錢的話,一時之間也難以湊出來。周兄你向黃大人說起這件事情的 ...
誰能向我們預示駕馭時代大浪的新觀點與新能力? 要掌握最重要的管理與人生課題,就要讀杜拉克經典之最! 比爾蓋茲極力推崇:在所有的商管書籍中,杜拉克的著作影響我最深。 ...
A simultaneous global release of Steve Jobs: A Biography by Walter Isaacson.
當他到達那兒時,他發現管理員正忙著把煤炭一鏟一鏟地送進鍋爐內。同時一面吹著口哨,仿佛什麼事情都未發生似的。拿破崙·希爾立刻對他破口大駡。在長達5分鐘的時間裡,他都以比管理員正在照顧的那個鍋爐內的火更熱辣辣的詞句,對管理員進行著長篇大論般的痛駡 ...
这样的事情是空前的、绝无仅有的,美联储委员们心里五味杂陈。这样做的结果是,白宫很快便向媒体宣布说:“美联储向杜鲁门总统承诺,支持总统维持政府证券稳定性。”紧接着,斯奈德也发出新闻稿,意图将此坐实,他说:“白宫的宣布表示,政府证券的市场会以目前的水准 ...
★《紐約時報》、亞馬遜書店 暢銷書 ★ 共同推薦 橋水基金創辦人 瑞‧達利歐、 YouTube執行長 蘇珊‧沃西基、 摩根大通董事長兼執行長 傑米‧戴蒙、 維珍集團創辦人 ...