In this work, author Nicholas Wade claims that medicine is still in the dark ages. This book explores how, with the discovery of the human genome, we will be affected by the possession of the genome knowledge, the power it has and whether we will choose to use it and if so how.
This book shows you how to unlock the hidden secrets of your life. become the script author and editor: Change your life.
Life Script Restructuring works by helping you systematically identify and script what you want in life. It helps you mentally program your scripts using proven self-hypnosis techniques which are outlined in detail in the book.
Includes bibliography, index.
From small dreams to lifelong goals, this book gives you the tools to put your thoughts into action and finally close the gap between where you are and where you want to be in your life.
This inspiring workbook will provide you with insight and tools to help you understand the beliefs about yourself that block success, reclaim your personal power and create the life you deserve.
Why we tell stories: the narrative construction of reality. ... Silk from sows' ears: collaborative construction of everyday selves in everyday stories. ... Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Pierini, A. (2008).
The concept of Life Scripts has frequently been associated with the determinism represented in theoretical scripts, yet, this book offers some new and diverse perspectives.
This book is about changing your story from the old one, to a new and improved one. This book is for anyone that is tired of the same boring routine.
Once you master the book's techniques and conversations, you will understand Lifescripts' philosophy and can apply it to your most important one-on-one conversations.
In Flipping the Script, AJ shows how his life has been a series of lemons. Every time he thinks he's in the clear, he finds a new way to crash and burn. Let's just say insecurity was once a pretty close friend of his.