Always My Child: A Parent's Guide to Understanding Your Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered, Or Questioning Son Or Daughter

Always My Child: A Parent's Guide to Understanding Your Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered, Or Questioning Son Or Daughter
Family & Relationships / Parenting / General
Kevin Jennings, Pat Shapiro


The first book to focus on the day-to-day experiences of adolescents dealing with sexual identity issues, Always My Child provides the insights and practical strategies parents need to support their kids and cope themselves.

Parents whose children are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or who are going through a "questioning phase" are often in the dark about what their children face every day. As a result, offering support that will comfort and fortify them feels like solving a puzzle with missing pieces.
In Always My Child, Kevin Jennings supplies the missing pieces by guiding parents through the world their child inhabits. He explains what these teens often encounter -- teasing and harassment -- and offers solutions for parents who want to better understand their LGBTQ children and learn how to protect their self-esteem. He offers advice, including how to:

  • Initiate constructive communication with their child
  • Respond effectively to frequently asked questions
  • Recognize depression and signs of drug abuse and harassment
  • Successfully advocate for their child's well-being outside the home

Always My Child makes it possible for parents to create the kind of relationship with their children that allows them to grow into emotionally healthy adults.

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