The most important speeches of America's "Great Communicator": Here, in his own words, is the record of Ronald Reagan's remarkable political career and historic eight-year presidency.
Joshi offers a novel defense of speaking your mind, drawing from Aristotle, John Stuart Mill, Friedrich Nietzsche, Bertrand Russell, and a range of contemporary thinkers.
Speaking My Mind
"This is an excellent and timely book which makes a major contribution to this branch of science. It brings together information about the workings of hormones that control almost every aspect of insect physiology.
Speak Up! confronts these issues head on. In a relatable, frank tone, Speak Up! lets young girls know that what they have to say is important and that their thoughts are worth hearing.
In Spiritual Connection in Daily Life, Lynn Underwood introduces her Daily Spiritual Experience Scale (DSES), which is comprised of sixteen simple, multiple-choice questions that invite us to become more attuned tothese extraordinary ...
"The essays and speeches that appear in this book were originally presented as either keynote addresses, or conference papers, or interviews, while others were submitted for publication as book chapters on request."--Acknowlegments.
Pastor and New York Times bestselling author Craig Groeschel understands deeply this daily battle against self-doubt and negative thinking, and in this powerful new book he reveals the strategies he's discovered to change your mind and your ...
A straightforward handbook that will help replace anxiety with confidence when it is crucial to "say it right.
This book will help you to learn the basics in life, and even uplift your spirit, as well as give you something to laugh about, while agreeing with the messages being told.
Organizing Solutions for People with ADD, 2nd Edition outlines new organizing strategies that will be of value to anyone who wants to improve their organizational skills.