A leading management consultant outlines seven organizational rules for improving effectiveness and increasing productivity at work and at home.
Booth , W.C. ( 1988 ) The Company We Keep : An Ethics of Fiction , Los Angeles : University of California Press . Booth , W.C. ( Sept 1998 ) “ The ethics of teaching literature , ” College English , 61 ( 1 ) : 41-55 .
ONLINE RESOURCES You might find the following resources useful as you tailor character education to your own particular classroom . Character Education CHARACTERplus info.csd.org/staffdev/chared/characterplus.html Representing more than ...
MissionsQuest Devotional Book: Character Questions
Rubber stamps are made from the design and available to all teachers . Teachers stamp the top page of their lesson plans and fill in each BULL'S - EYE PLANNER category . A math CHARACTER TRAITS lesson on right Honesty , Perseverance ...
"kid ethics" brings together inspiring stories, great illustrations and thoughtful questions. The lessons in this book will help parents and educators integrate ethics education into daily activities.
Scripture verses marked Phillips are taken from The New Testament in Modern English by J. B. Phillips , copyright © J. B. Phillips , 1958 , 1959 , 1960 , 1972. All rights reserved . Scripture verses marked TLB are taken from The Living ...
Biographies of 15 famous individuals throughout history. Includes discussion questions, activities, primary sources, and bibliographies to use in social studies classes to integrate character education.
This custom edition is published for Deakin University.
Our Heroes: Four Complete Meetings for Junior High Youth Groups
This book, Character and Morals, is the thirteenth volume of a series of authoritative Islamic books entitled Islam: Questions And Answers.