NORTH KOREA -- DECEMBER 1950 This is the incredible saga of the famed First Marine Division and its savage fighting withdrawl from the Chosin Reservoir to the North Korean port of Hungnam. Battling bitterly cold winds and temperatures that dropped to -25Fahrenheit, the beleaguered Leathernecks blasted their way through roadblocks, ambushes, and wave after horrifying wave of Chinese Communist army attacks. Robert Leckie brings to life all aspects of the epic struggle and the men who wrote one of the greatest chapters in Marine Corps history with their frozen blood.
Anderson , F. W. “ Why Did Colonial New Englanders Make Bad Soldiers ? Contractual Principles and Military Conduct during the ... Andre , Louis , Michel le Tellier et l'Organization de l'Armee Monarchique . Paris : Felix Alcan , 1906 .
These volumes are a first person narrative of a soldier in the West during the Great Sioux War and the Cheyenne Outbreak as well as other important Indian battles.
Mss., Ill, 13. Skully, Michael, Wash. Mss., 112, 95. Slaughter, George (capt.), J. C, May, 1776, 20. Slaughter, George, D. W., 424; H. В., 1766-69, 153, 241. Slaughter, Robert (col.), H. S., 7, 214. Slaughter, Thomas, H. S., 7, 213; Va.
... the initial evolution of the Pave Low program from Sikorsky's perspective . The Pentagon is a rich source of information , and I was able to do some significant research there , graciously supported by Col Henry Sanders and the ...
The next day , Sherard was taken to Johnson's Island , Ohio , and was held until his release on June 16 , 1865.86 Company G , Pearson's Company , composed of men from Richland District , was one of the four new companies that mustered ...
The bloody raid reinforced the hatred and distain that his former countrymen held for Benedict Arnold, but it did little lasting damage. The town of New London was rebuilt, and American privateers soon resumed their operations against ...
[Greer, Thomas H.]. The Development of Air Doctrine in the Army Air Arm, 1917-1941. USAF Historical Studies, no. 89. U.S.A.F. Historical Division, Research Studies Institute, Air University, Maxwell AFB, Montgomery, Alabama, 1955.
Captain Phillips was leading us. The platoons were well deployed. We pushed our way through whatever Germans were in front of us to a drawbridge at the canal and anchored ourselves in position.' Radio operator Private Haller, ...
... as well as the other reports on defense organization done by the Carter administration , see Barrett , Archie D. , Reappraising Defense Organization ... See , for example , the testimony of Admiral Thomas H. Moorer , Ibid . , pp .
On the day that Lee and Clinton arrived, Thomas Lynch called on William Smith. This fifty-one-year-old grandson of an Irish immigrant was one of the wealthiest men in South Carolina. Yet his Irish ancestry had prompted him to take the ...