The author of Punished by Rewards and The School Our Children Deserve builds on his parenting theories of working with children rather than trying to control them, argues against practices that teach children that they must earn a parent's approval, and presents techniques that promote desired child qualities through unconditional support. Reprint. 30,000 first printing.
The basic strategy we use for raising children, teaching students, and managing workers can be summarized in six words: Do this and you'll get that. We dangle goodies (from candy...
Alfie Kohn systematically debunks these beliefs, not only challenging erroneous factual claims but also exposing the troubling ideology that underlies them.
Throughout the book, both parents and kids share their stories, and Eriksen directs parents to various resources online for help. This LGBT family book teaches the principles of unconditional parenting, love, and learning.
Arguing against the "tougher standards" rhetoric that marks the current education debate, the author of No Contest and Punished by Rewards writes that such tactics squeeze the pleasure out of learning. Reprint.
Protecting from what? From intrusions that may disrupt their play. A group of fouryearolds protected their play by creating a hideout and posting a sign that said, “Kenny, Robert, Sam and Mason. Our Secret Hideout. We Are Good Guys.
The book "Raising Your Kids with Unconditional Parenting" is typically designed for parents who find themselves in challenging situations as far as perfect parenting is concerned.
... Cambridge Olds D, Henderson CR, Cole R, Eckenrode J, Kitzman H, Luckey D, Pettitt L, Sidora K, Morris P and Powers J (1998b) 'Long term-effects of nurse home visitation on children's criminal and antisocial behaviour' Journal of the ...
You'll also learn how to: Build a solid foundation for being a confident parent Manage testing and manipulation to avoid derailing your efforts Encourage good behavior Strengthen your relationship with your child Establish positive bedtime, ...
A revolutionary book of practical advice and inspiration for parenting "differently wired" kids—kids who are challenged by anxiety, ADHD, Asperger’s, giftedness, dyslexia, or other conditions.
Kimmel, Tim. Raising Kids for True Greatness. Thomas Nelson, Nashville, TN, 2006. Kindlow, Dan, and Michael Thompson. Raising Cain: Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys. Random House, New York, 1999. Levine, Madeline.