This stunning illustrated children's book takes an innovative look at the circle of life, including animals, dinosaurs, stars, volcanoes, and even YOU. Everything has a beginning and an end, but what happens in between? Follow the migration of zebra across the vast plains, meet penguins guarding their eggs on the ice, and watch butterflies emerge from their cocoons. Shoot back in time 4.5 billion years to see how planet Earth was formed and then leap into the future to see what happens when stars die. Discover a new life cycle every time you turn the page. You'll take a closer look at the life cycles of environments, too. Discover how a river forms and changes over time. Find out how a tree grows and all of the other life cycles it supports within it. See the amazing sculptures the ocean waves carve out of cliffs. Dive beneath the surface to see how coral reefs form, and what causes them to die. Follow the life cycles of weather--from the water cycle to ice ages, to give you a better grasp of the climate situation we find ourselves in now. From the single-celled amoeba to how the Earth formed, the life cycles in this ebook have been carefully chosen to give you an amazing overview of the universe, and how everything is intricately linked. Filled with facts to amaze your friends, stunning photography, and beautifully detailed illustrations by Sam Falconer, Life Cycles gets to grips with the essence of life itself.
Life Cycles: Your Emotional Journey to Freedom and Happiness
Describes the life cycles of living things, from birth to reproduction to death, discussing plant, insect, fish, bird, mammal, and human life cycles.
Third grade students will learn all about the life cycles of plants, insects, snakes, and animals through this engaging text that is aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards and supports STEM education.
LIFE CYLCES describes and illustrates three different types of life-to-death-to-life again cycles that occur in nature.
All About Life Cycles
Early Readers Learn About Plant Life Cycles.
"An explanation of life cycles of different types of plants and animals, as well as people"--Provided by publisher.
Describes the life cycle of different animals, including koalas, whales, birds, snakes, fish, and spiders.
The fish that absorbed DDT were eaten by birds like the bald eagle, brown pelican, and peregrine falcon. When those birds laid their eggs, the chemical made their egg shells too thin to protect the chicks—and they died.
How does an acorn grow into a tree? What does a baby sea horse eat? Discover the amazing stages of different life cycles and learn all about your favourite species with this stunning series.