Teach your baby how to communicate without words. Your baby has many wants and needs. Some you can figure out. Others need a little more patience. While your baby learns to make their requests verbally, you can teach them gestures and signs that will help bridge the gap of understanding. Baby Sign Language offers the tools and techniques you need to teach sign language to your baby. As a parent, you might have concerns about speech and language delays. Or you might be concerned that your baby hasn't started talking yet. Baby sign language is something that can promote early speech as well as speech development. This can be especially important for a baby diagnosed with autism or other language issues. This revised edition includes these features: -150 illustrations of popular signs to teach your baby -An express program for quicker results -Games and activities to make signing more fun -Expert advice on speech and language development Signing with your baby not only results in a happier and less frustrated child, but research also shows that learning sign language could help a child speak earlier and develop a higher IQ.
In Baby Sign Language Made Easy, Lane Rebelo, founder of the award-winning Tiny Signs(R) baby sign language program, delivers the step-by-step guidance that has helped thousands of parents integrate baby sign language into their daily ...
In this newly expanded edition, a renowned baby-signing expert provides more than 300 American Sign Language (ASL) signs, illustrated with the same clear, easy-to-understand photos and descriptions.
And these are just a few of the thirteen signs inside this small and adorably illustrated board book, perfect for little hands and minds to grasp.
Apple Cake Using a “C” handshape, outline the shape of a. To sign “apple,” twist your bent index finger on your cheek. Bacon Bacon starts with two “H” hands. Bring the tips of the “H” together in front of your body, and slowly pull ...
Goodnight Moon and The Runaway Bunny by Margaret Wise Brown and illustrated by Clement Hurd are good examples. Both books have bunnies on most pages, and Goodnight Moon has a mouse hiding on each page, too! 3.
Featuring seventy-five of the most important signs babies need every day, this book helps you start signing now, without spending hours learning extensive philosophy and sifting through hundreds of valueless terms.
This book is a must for anyone who has or is working with a little one.” —Sheila Dukas-Janakos, MPH, IBCLC, owner of Healthy Horizons Peninsula Breastfeeding Center
Using this book and instructional DVD, baby and parent will be well on their way to using their hands to speak! Please note: DVD is not included with the e-book version of this title
You'll find everything you could want to talk about, including: Mealtime: Milk, Food & Eat, More, All Done, Drink, Water, Dirty, Clean, Please, Thank You, Yes, No, Hungry, Thirsty, Want Daytime: Help, Open, Up, Pacifier, Light, Bath, Brush ...
Hey baby, what’s your sign?