Millions of people around the world live in countries torn apart by war, where violence and suffering are part of everyday life. Yet in all those countries there are groups of people working for peace in the midst of war, standing up for human rights and decency. What difference can they make? What can be done to support them, and to help dialogue to happen in the midst of hostility and violence? This book examines these questions, focusing on the roles that ordinary people can play as peace builders in societies where violence and antagonism have become the norm, where inter-communal relationships are fractured or where institutions and the rule of law have collapsed. It examines the theory and practice of conflict transformation and its relevance for different cultures and contexts. Using extensive case studies taken from practical workshops--the most frequently used form of conflict intervention--in the Balkans and around the world, it shows both the power and the complexity of such encounters.
中国共产党在西柏坡时期的伟大革命实践,孕育产生了丰富而珍贵的革命文物,西柏坡纪念馆对馆藏文物进行了梳理和甄选,整理成册,内容以中国共产党革命家们西柏坡时期所用物 ...
本书一共收集了西柏坡时期近百位革命者的口述。可以说,每一个人的经历,都称得上是一部经典教材。他们一部分人是曾经在领袖身边工作的老同志,回忆了西柏坡时期中共中央领 ...
在全面推进从严治党的新形势下,西柏坡纪念馆紧紧围绕中央关于加强作风建设的系列指示精神,按照省、市委统一安排部署,把作风建设做为全馆工作的重中之重,常抓不怠,先后 ...
Exploring the rage-murder phenomenon that has both plagued and baffled America for the last three decades, Going Postal offers provocative answers to the oft-asked question, "Why?"American workers and children are...
“Outright Barbarous turns the spotlight on the rhetorical thuggery of the Right, exposing how the verbal excesses are being perpetrated not just by media blowhards like Ann Coulter and Rush...
As the 20th Century draws to a close, cultural conflict plays an increasingly dominant role in American politics, with religion acting as a catalyst in the often bitter confrontations ranging...
Young Americans are more likely than their older counterparts to be cynical and disaffected about politics. Their voting rates in both national and local elections have declined, they are less...
Dynamics of Democracy