This is a groundbreaking new work from a leading scholar in the field of international relations. Offering a highly original analysis of world events, especially in the light of the Iraq War, Kees van der Pijl explores the history and development of relations between major countries in the international community, and the impact that successive wars and changes in the global political economy have had on the way states relate to each other today.
Tracing the liberal state structure back to the closing stages of the English Civil War and settlement in North America, he argues that the rise of the English-speaking West has created rivalries between contender states that are never entirely put to rest. With each round of Western expansion, new rivalries are created. Offering a truly global analysis that covers every area of the world—from Europe and America to China, the Middle East, Latin America and Russia—he analyses the development of international relations after World War II, and questions whether the neoliberal project and its human rights ideology have collapsed back into authoritarianism under the guise of the "war on terror."
This project examined the extent of cross-leveling during Desert Shield and Desert Storm, the reasons for it, the likelihood of serious personnel shortfalls in future deployments, and, based on these findings, the types of policies that ...
From the John Holmes Library collection.
This book takes a critical look at three key areas – globalism, nationalism, and state-terror – to confront common mythologies and identify the root causes of the problems we face.
The Qatar Supreme Council for Family Affairs (QSCFA) is charged with reviewing and proposing legislation, promoting policies, adopting plans, implementing projects and programs, enhancing the role of national institutions, and disseminating ...
... Overtopping Dam break Critical point - high risk Very high risk Loss of control - 45.5 45 Dam 2 Dam 2 Spillway Canal / weir Municipality # 1 / minor degree Municipality # 2 / minor degree Canal / left bank Municipality # 1 / serious ...
Fuller had to show , in other words , that Grant was imaginative ; in a word , no Haig . This was at the bottom of his differences with Liddell Hart over the American Civil War . A convinced Sherman partisan , Liddell Hart saw Grant as ...
忙著想復原檔案,但別浪費時間了。」訊息內文繼續可疑地聲稱若使用者支付300比特幣,也就是追蹤不易的加密貨幣,即可將使用者的資料解鎖。這場攻擊特意設計為看來有如國家級的勒索計畫,然而事實並非如此。駭客不是想要錢,而且他們也沒有收到多少錢。卡巴斯基 ...
... Gary P. Ratner , Raphael Recanati , Meshulam Riklis , Morris Rodman , Elihu Rose , Malcolm M. Rosenberg , Irving Schneider , Marvin Simon , Ruth Sinaiko , Walter P. Stern , Dr. Robert J. Stoller , Leonard R. Strelitz , James Warren ...
Presents an analysis of the Bush Administration's efforts to stop Al Qaeda and cites a number of instances where their anti-terror efforts have been successful in protecting the United States...
The purpose of this study was to identify key potential users of high-performance computing (HPC) within the Army science and technology community and any barriers that prevent full use of current and planned HPC resources.