Why do citizens demand that their political systems be democratic, but tolerate autocratic rule within their organizations? Why do governments spend trillions to aid corporations in spite of intense opposition by the vast majority of their citizens? Why do most people accept cultural myths about economies and organizations in spite of contradictory evidence, while others resist them? This book argues that the answers lie in the power of organizational rhetoricÑthe strategic use of symbols to manipulate popular opinion and political power. Organizational Rhetoric examines the mythical systems that underlie corporate influence and explains how corporate rhetors use these mythologies to create and sustain preferential public policies and favorable images. Each chapter also examines resistance to these mythologies, and concludes with an illustrative case study. This accessible and engaging book asks readers to think carefully and critically about domination and resistance. Moreover, it engages them in an analysis of how their own practices contribute to underlying structures and ideologies, and how their actions could contribute to change.
In Myria Allen (Ed.), Strategic communication for sustainable organizations. London: Springer. Allen, M. W., & Caillouet, R. H. (1994). Legitimation endeavors: Impression management strategies used by an organization in crisis.
Students will gain an understanding of the power of organizations in contemporary society and be able to think critically about organizational messages.
What does it mean to speak with a collective voice? This is the central question addressed in Rhetoric in an Organizational Society. The author explains how in advanced industrial society...
"This book explores the theory and practice of rhetoric and professional communication in intercultural contexts, providing a framework for translating, localizing, and internationalizing communications and information products around the ...
Brodmann, Korbinian. (1909). Comparative Localization Theory of the Cerebral Cortex: Illustrated in Their Principles on the Basis of Cell Construction. Leipzig: Barth. http://digital.zbmed.de/zbmed/id/554966.urn:nbn:de:hbz:38m:1-1298.
Affirming Whiteness: A critical discourse analysis of the affirmative action debate in the Fisher case. ... Vernacular transgression in organizational resistance: Constituting resistance in the rhetoric of the everyday.
Dr Robert L Heath, Elizabeth L Toth. Rhetorical and Critical Approaches to Public Relations EditedbyElizabethL.Toth Syracuse University Robert L. Heath University of Houston NEW YORK AND LONDON First Published by Lawrence Erlbaum ...
Assesses information technology and organizational transformation.
This is why managerial discourses are never open, straightforward, and why they are, in sum, clearly ideological.
More than a history, the book uses the extreme case of the Final Solution to illumine the communicative constitution of organizations and to break new ground on destructive organizational communication and ethics.