Introduces basic concepts about the human body, including how muscles make a skeleton move, how the brain works, and how blood flows to and from the heart.
A domesticated cat will purr and let you petit. This cat is a soothing friend. A wild cat will be aggressive and scratch you. That cat is an enemy who can give you "cat's claw" disease—a real nuisance. Overwhelming emotions need to be ...
Understanding Your Body
If you are overwhelmed by the toxic soup surrounding us this book will give you the leverage you need to be well in today's dicey environment.--Consumer Advocate Newsletter
Dr. Linda Bacon and Dr. Lucy Aphramor's Body Respect debunks common myths about weight, including the misconceptions that BMI can accurately measure health, that fatness necessarily leads to disease, and that dieting will improve health.
Dr. Aegerter enlightens readers about cellular structure and functions, the causes of disease, the science of pathology, and the workings of each of the body's systems
Explains what makes people love and appreciate their bodies, and offers advice on how we can all do the same.
Cameron Diaz shares her formula for becoming happier, healthier, and stronger in this positive, essential guide grounded in science and inspired by personal experience, a #1 New York Times bestseller.
Understanding the Body Organs & The Eight Laws of Health is divided into two sections. The first section simply and concisely explains how the body organs function and how they relate to one another.
This book introduces lifestyle habits to help teens stay healthy and develop confidence as they grow.
" --Sarah Bessey, author of Jesus Feminist, editor of the New York Times bestseller A Rhythm of Prayer "It is the most important work of my adulthood to learn that I am my body. This book is the indispensable tool I've been looking for.