Buddhism Without Beliefs presents a new interpretation of Buddhism and proposes realistic, non-religious, Buddhist solutions to the existential anguish that most of us live in.
She was nevertheless disappointed to see no sign of Nesshi - chan . But that night he appeared to her in a dream and said , ' I must apologise for not coming to see you earlier this afternoon . There were too many people around for me ...
The Buddhist Writings of Lafcadio Hearn
It is clear from these and other occurrences of añjana ( cf. ... Cf. Jolly , Medicin , 114-15 ( English , 138–39 ) ; and P. Kutumbiah , Ancient Indian Medicine ( 1969 ; reprint , Bombay : Orient Longmans , 1974 ) , 175–76 . 37.
Assagioli , Roberto . Psychosynthesis . London : Turnstone Press , 1975 . Bernbaum , Edwin . The Way to Shambhala . New York : Anchor , 1980 . Black Elk , Wallace , and William S. Lyon . Black Elk : The Sacred Ways of a Lakota .
A photopack.
See also Pim van Lommel , Ruud van Wees , Vincent Meyers , and Ingrid Elfferich , “ Near - Death Experience in Survivors of Cardiac Arrest : A Prospective Study in the Netherlands , ” The Lancet 358 ( 2001 ) : 2039-45 . 29.
... 24 Nagarjuna's Refutation of Logic ( Nyaya ) Vaidalya Prakarana -Fernando Tola and Carmen Dragonetti 25 The Buddhist Art of Nagarjunakonda - Elizabeth Rosen Stone 26 Discipline : The Canonical Buddhism of the VinayapitakaJ.
And they approached the Blessed One, respectfully greeted him, sat down at one side, and addressed him thus: “May the Blessed One, Lord, kindly visit our council hall.” And the Blessed One consented by his silence. 21.
A cette question philosophique par excellence, traitée entre pessimisme et raillerie par la pensée occidentale, Matthieu Ricard apporte la réponse du bouddhisme : une réponse exigeante mais apaisante, optimiste et accessible à tous.
Détchèn est un enfant bon et compatissant. Né dans un petit village du Bouthan, au pied de l'Himalaya, il se sent plus attiré par la vie spirituelle des moines que...