Adult-jacket edition of Stephen Fry's unabridged reading of the sixth book in the internationally bestselling series.
Sixth-year Hogwarts student Harry Potter gains valuable insights into the boy Voldemort once was, even as his own world is transformed by maturing friendships, schoolwork assistance from an unexpected source, and devastating losses.
Suspicion and fear blow through the wizarding world as news of the Dark Lord's attack on the Ministry of Magic spreads.
Suspicion and fear blow through the wizarding world as news of the Dark Lord's attack on the Ministry of Magic spreads.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - Slytherin Edition
Suspicion and fear blow through the wizarding world as news of the Dark Lord's attack on the Ministry of Magic spreads.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is the sixth novel in J.K. Rowling’s bestselling seven-book series, which has inspired films, video games, board games and even a theme park.
Harry Potter is preparing to leave the Dursleys and Privet Drive for the last time. But the future that awaits him is full of danger, not only for him, but...
This gorgeous new edition in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the publication of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone features a newly designed cover illustrated by Caldecott Medalist Brian Selznick, as well as the beloved original ...
When Toby finally decides to join the middle school basketball team, he does not anticipate the changes that will occur in his relationship with his best friend JJ, who is the team's star player, as well as in other areas of his life.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince brings us Harry Potter's sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as Lord Voldemort becomes ever more powerful with his followers increasing day by day in this continuing battle between ...