A History of Engineering and Science in the Bell System: Switching Technology (1925–1975). Bell Telephone Laboratories, 1982. ... N.J.: Mathematical Sciences Research Center, AT&T Bell Laboratories, 1993. ... Shieber, Stuart M., ed.
The 4th edition of this book has been updated to meet the new requirements of the students, professors, and practitioners. This is an enhanced version of the earlier editions.
Symbols, Signals and Noise John R. Pierce ... Nyquist's relation says that by going from off-on telegraphy to three-current (+1, 0, - l) telegraphy we can increase the speed of sending letters or other symbols by 60 per cent, ...
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the 4th International Information Hiding Workshop, IHW 2001, held in Pittsburgh, PA, USA, in April 2001.
Introduction to Information Technology
In this book, Melucci and Baeza-Yates present a wide-spectrum illustration of recent research results in advanced areas related to information retrieval.
Are you interested in computers or want an easy to read refresher? This book will provide you with a solid yet simple overview on common topics with short quizzes to help consolidate the presented information.
Shane, S., & Mazzetti, M. (2009, April 22). Origins of 'torture' tactics overlooked. New York Times. ... In W. S. Solomon & R. W. McChesney (Eds.), Ruthless criticism: New perspectives in U. S. communication history (pp. 1–6).
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on Geographic Information Science, GIScience 2002, held in Boulder, Colorado, USA in September 2002.
This is the definitive work on information literacy. Michael Eisenberg, known worldwide as one of the originators of the innovative Big6 Information Problem Solving Process, and frequent presenters on the...