This text deals with controversial issues about technology and its use in classrooms. Issues include the educational application and classroom implementation of new communications technologies such as e-mail, the Internet...
COVID-19 and Higher Education in the Global Context: Exploring Contemporary Issues and Challenges addresses the lasting impact of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in the higher education sector and offers insights that inform policy and ...
Saying no to vouchers: What is the price of democracy? National Association of Secondary School Principals Bulletin, 79, 41–51. Lewis, O. (1966). The culture of poverty. Scientific American, 215, 19–25. Lieberman, A. (Ed.). (1988).
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Colangelo, N., & Davis, G. A. (Eds.). (2002). Handbook of gifted education (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon. Coleman, L. J., & Cross, T. L. (2005). Being gifted in school: An introduction ...
... for working with the under 5s, it is likely that the courses offering training for 4 to 8 years will be concentrating upon infant education as most of the 4 year olds in educational establishments are in the primary classroom.
This is a core text for graduate-level Comparative Education courses. With its cross-cultural, isues-oriented approach, Comparative Education introduces K-12 educational systems worldwide. Readers are invited to consider current educational issues...
New Perspectives in Educational Leadership examines educational administration and leadership within the complex social, political, and community contexts that inform and influence the work of today's educational leaders.
The text is intended as supplementary material for any course preparing school administrators.
This volume is devoted to stimulating debate about the various methodological challenges facing the researcher in the digital sphere of educational research, and furthermore, exploring what kind of new methodological approaches these ...
This methodologically oriented collection brings together higher education diary research studies from international contexts to showcase the versatility of the method and its adaptability to higher education research.