Written for undergraduates and graduate students, this book contains a wealth of information that is required for the practice and study of quantitative and analytical astronomy and astrophysics.
Planets come in many different sizes, and with many different compositions, orbiting our Sun and countless other stars.
This updated second edition has been revised and improved while maintaining its existing structure and organization. Many data tables and plots have been updated to account for the latest measurements.
This may be a frost deposit, perhaps associated with an impact crater. Just below this feature, on the terminator, is an ~110-km diameter crater that has a bright central peak. (PIA00040) (e) Titania, Uranus's largest satellite, ...
Along with more problems, this second edition adds new material and improves some analytical treatments. The book consists of two main components.
Publisher Description
Starting with historical perspectives on space exploration and the development of the scientific method, the book leads the reader through the solar system.
A quantitative introduction to planetary science for advanced undergraduates, including planet formation, exoplanets and planetary habitability.
See also Fuller, Sarah Parker: family Fuller, Sarah Parker, family: Anna-Lillian Hayes (mother), ; Sumner Hayes (brother), , ; Charles Sumner (father), ,; Eleanor Hayes (sister), Gale, Henry G., , Galle, Johann, , Galilei, Galileo, ...
This book is therefore a key resource for planetary scientists working in data analysis, missions planning, and scientific observation.