This volume sets out to provide experience-based tools for those needing to assess and improve teaching and learning quality. It presents a detailed framework explaining what action learning and research is with information on how to carry out an action learning project.
This book seeks to demonstrate how action research can be used as a strategy to implement evidence into practice.
Around the world, countries are searching for ways of making their schools more effective for all children and young people. This book offers a new way of thinking about how to address this challenge.
Robert E. Park and Ernest W Burgess . Chicago : University of Chicago Press . Skocpol , Theda . 1992. Protecting Soldiers and Mothers : The Political Origins of Social Policy in the United States . Cambridge , Mass .
Levinson , H. ( 1972 ) The clinical psychologist as organizational diagnostician . Professional Psychology , 10 , 485502 . Levinson , H. ( 1972 ) . Organizational diagnosis . Cambridge , MA : Harvard University Press .
Action Research: Where the Action is
Sue has updated the 3rd edition with the latest research and many new examples. The Thin Thin Book of® Appreciative Inquiry is the introduction to the exciting organizational change philosophy called Appreciative Inquiry.
AI thought leader, Diana Whitney and the team of healthcare professionals at the University of Virginia Health System have joined together to provide this book of questions and AI activities designed especially for hospitals, clinics, ...
The series seeks to provide an avenue for the dissemination of research and experiences on children s health, development, behaviour and education, and to provide a forum for the discussion of these issues.
This book describes a method in which researchers commit to research WITH, not ON, members of marginalized communities in order to challenge and transform conditions of social injustice.
Classroom Action Research