As the importance of vocational qualifications has become firmly established, the system has become increasingly complex and hard to grasp. Now in its seventh edition, this popular and accessible reference book provides a simple guide for anyone needing information on vocational education. Fully revised and expanded to take into account recent changes in legislation, it provides up-to-date information on over 3500 vocational qualification in the UK, and is an indispensable reference source for careers advisers, human resource managers, employees, teachers and students alike. Divided into five parts, the first clarifies the role of the accrediting and major awarding bodies and explains the main types of vocational qualifications available, including the new Vocational GCEs, A Levees and Key Skills. Part Two is a directory listing over 3500 vocational qualifications, classified by professional and career area, giving details of type of qualification, title, level, awarding body and, where possible,the course,code and content. Part Three comprises a glossary of acronyms used, together with a comprehensive list of awarding bodies, industry lead bodies, professional institutes and associations, with their contact details. Part Four is a directory of colleges offering vocational qualifications in the UK, arranged alphabetically by area. Finally, section five is an index of all qualifications, listed alphabetically by title.
MyProfessionalismKit Online Chapter Components: Interactive Learning Modules that focus on key concepts developed in the text.
Package consists of: 0135063884 / 9780135063880 Professionalism: Skills for Workplace Success 0135123194 / 9780135123195 MyProfessionalismKit -- Valuepack Access Card
This report describes the construction of the database of skill needs indicators, i.e. the OECD Skills for Jobs Database, and presents initial results and analysis.