cesses involved in developing and implementing reward strategies.
... n18.27 Webber , R. , n1.38 Weber , J. , n13.17 , n13.27 Weber , Max , 36 , 280 ; n1A.16 Weber , R. , 498 Weber , Toby , 203 Wechsler , Jill , n17.11 Weeks , Jeffrey A. , 515 Weiner , Edie , 132 Weiner , J. , 160 Weiss , H. , n12.61 ...
This eighth edition brings fresh evidence to explore theory in practice, and a wide range of brand new and intriguing examples and case studies on issues and organisations that are engaging, relevant and contemporary.
The book's overarching theme of change is accompanied by four supporting subthemes: globalization, diversity, technology, and ethics .
Dessler focuses on tools, techniques, and battle strategies that managers and supervisors can use to develop and retain highly committed, motivated workforces essential for long-term, high-performance results. Illustrated.
This book demonstrates how to replace feelings of 'anomie', or lack of values and norms, and re-energize employees with a renewed sense of belonging, commitment, and connection to their organization.
... skjulte motiver hos andre. Han er mistroisk over for autoriteter og optaget af mærkesager, men bliver en smule nervøs, når der skal handles. På forhånd forestiller realisten sig altid det værste, der kan ske, og alt det, der kan gå galt ...