International Management: Explorations Across Cultures

International Management: Explorations Across Cultures
International Management
Business & Economics
Kogan Page Publishers
Dr Elizabeth Christopher


Winner of the Management and Leadership Textbook category at the CMI Management Book of the Year Awards 2013/14, International Management explores management opportunities in encounters across the world between national, organizational, political, professional and social cultures. It is soundly based theoretically and supported with real-life international examples from contemporary events and situations, exploring contemporary and historical material to provide insights for today's managers who find themselves dealing with diversity and difference. From a historical perspective and a uniquely cross-disciplinary approach, Elizabeth Christopher identifies the major leadership styles that continue to characterise people across regions, nations, communities and organisations, within groups and as individuals. International Management is a practical and comprehensive textbook for successful negotiation in a world rich not only in cultural diversity but also in convergence. It also covers the ethical, moral and environmental ramifications of business today and the corporate leaders who are learning to manage their businesses across nations and continents, not only profitably but in ways that contribute to societies overall through economic, environmental and social action. International Management is an indispensable guide for students and practitioners to key issues of cross-cultural management, suitable to accompany online or private studies, or a teaching unit within professional and university graduate studies of international management.

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