Inspiring communication can make the difference between poor performance and exceptional results. This is why CEOs and HR professionals now believe that the ability to understand, motivate and inspire others is the characteristic that is most important when recruiting senior leaders. Many leaders wrongly perceive they have to become inspired orators if they are to inspire others. Wrong. Language is a system of communication, so the issue is: what system should leaders use to inspire brilliant results? This is the question Kevin Murray answers in The Language of Leaders. Based on original interviews with an extraordinary list of more than 70 top leaders from a wide range of business and public sector organizations, this book provides a unique insight into how these leaders have responded to the demands of a transparent world. It reports on what they have learned and creates a lexicon for successful communication. The message from these leaders is resoundingly clear - communication is now one of the most crucial skills of leadership. Filled with actionable lessons and insights from leaders of high-profile organizations, The Language of Leaders is an invaluable book for anybody in a leadership position, or who aspires to lead.
In this book, Joel Schwartzberg suggests mindsets, tactics, tips, and examples to help readers reach that goal using the most powerful leadership tool available: a leader's voice.
Stands out as the only book to address specifically how leaders can use body language to increase their effectiveness Goman, a respected management coach, is widely considered as the expert in body language issues in the workplace The ...
Online supporting resources for this book include a supplement article from the author.
This book makes visible the work that the language of leadership does in perpetuating fictions that are useful for bosses of work organizations.
The goal of this book is to make this wealth of leadership insight accessible to anyone who wants better results as a leader.
In J. Holmes & K. Hazen (Eds.), Research methods in sociolinguistics (pp. 177–193). West Sussex: John Wiley. Holmes, J. (2017). Leadership and change management: Examining gender, cultural and “hero leader” stereotypes.
"When we all think we understand leadership, Soder, with quotations from the ages, shows us new, fascinating, and immensely important elements. A stimulating adventure."--Fisher Howe, author, The Board Member's Guide...
This book presents the findings, applications, and theoretical underpinnings of a unique leadership communication model: motivating language theory.
Full of practical tips, words, outlines, and models, this guide shows how to: Prepare and deliver effective speeches and talk to large and small audiences Reinforce a message with effective use of nonverbal languageAvoid words and phrases ...
For a leader, the mike is always on. This book will help readers meet the enormous challenge of engaging, energizing, and motivating others day in and day out.