Market research has never been more important. As organizations become increasingly sophisticated, the need to profile customers, deliver customer satisfaction, target certain audiences, develop their brands, optimize prices and more has grown. Lively and accessible, Market Research in Practice is a practical introduction to market research tools, approaches and issues. Providing a clear, step-by-step guide to the whole process - from planning and executing a project through to analyzing and presenting the findings - it explains how to use tools and methods effectively to obtain reliable results. This fully updated third edition of Market Research in Practice has been revised to reflect the most recent trends in the industry. Ten new chapters cover topical issues such as ethics in market research and qualitative and quantitative research, plus key concepts such as international research, how to design and scope a survey, how to create a questionnaire, how to choose a sample and how to carry out interviews are covered in detail. Tips, and advice from the authors' own extensive experiences are included throughout to ground the concepts in business reality. Accompanied by a range of online tools, templates, surveys and guides, this is an invaluable guide for students of research methods, researchers, marketers and users of market research. Online resources include a range of tools, templates, surveys and guides.
The aim of this title is to examine the client-side perspective of market research and describe the pitfalls and problems when commissioning, briefing and using market research.
""Consumer Insight"" provides market researchers with knowledge of database marketing and CRM techniques.
As a result, a newer, trimmer version of the marketing research report is being used by many companies. This executive-ready report is based on four principles: conciseness, adaptability, readability, and balance.2 Smartphones and email ...
The Practice of Market Research offers a comprehensive and understandable account of the techniques and practical tasks involved in setting up and running marketing or social research projects. Linked to...
Now fully updated to include vital information about online questionnaires and interviews, their problems and potential, this book will be a useful addition to the bookshelf of every market research practitioner.
Qualitative Research helps those who have limited experience of qualitative research, to become proficient buyers of research.
Different from other academic market research book, the book contains numerous case studies derived from customized projects at research agencies which also make this book easy to understand for student and beginners.
Using exemplar case studies of nonprofit and charity brands, this edited volume will be of direct interest to students, academics, marketing practitioners and researchers studying and working in charities, public and nonprofit management, ...
This is a comprehensive account of the techniques and the day-to-day tasks of the researcher. Easy to read and understand, McGivern's book covers not only research methods and techniques, such...
Direct questioning is not only relevant for research purposes, but also for amusement and human exploration. One early inspirational example is the Proust Questionnaire, famously proposed to Marcel Proust by Antoinette Faure, ...