This no-nonsense series introduces a wide range of non-fiction subjects using a straightforward narrative approach. Young readers will find these lively texts on high interest subjects very approachable. A classic and uncluttered design uses a mix of photos and artwork to support the text, which is broken up into short chapters. Each book contains a simple contents, glossary and index. An explosive first look at Volcanoes. The book begins with an exciting description of an eruption and proceeds to explain simply and clearly the processes involved. Diagrams and dramatic photos illustrate active and dormant volcanoes such as Vesuvius, Surtsey and Krakatoa. Find out about Ancient Greeks and discover who they were, when and where they lived, their daily lives, Gods and temples, The Olympic Games and famous Greeks including the Spartans.
The book offers a chronological political history of Ancient Greece, as well as chapters on the major themes, such as gods and goddesses, arts and architecture, houses, cities and public buildings, slaves, education, language, medicine, ...
A third vegetation type is phrygana – smaller , frequently aromatic or spiny shrubs , often with a narrow strip of bare ground between each hedgehog - like bush . Many aromatic herbs such as lavender , rosemary , savory , sage and thyme ...
Xenophon in Seven Volumes: Cyropaedia, with an English translation by Walter Miller
From famous Gods to the inside of temples, let your child get all the homework help they need, and learn all about Ancient Greece with this comprehensive reference book for kids.
Jeffrey Henderson, noted Greek scholar, puts the work in historical and cultural context in his comprehensive introduction. Suggestions for further reading, notes, and map are also included.
The classical scholar takes a new look at the war between Athens and Sparta, examining the conflict that devastated Ancient Greece in the fifth century B.C.E.
This text presents students with the history of Greece from the prehistoric through the Mycenaean Period, the Dark Ages, the Classical Period, the Hellenistic, and the absorption of Greek culture by Rome.
12.3.8-12 Metz 2 Artaxerxes 27 for Deinon) Deinon - Pearson. The Metz Epitome opens here, replete with Cleitarchan stories. F. Dicaearchus (Athenaeus 13.5 [557]) citing 350 concubines Alexander burns surplus baggage and wagons to avoid ...
Fragment 1 (Athenaeus 148D-F), which is attributed to Book 1, self-evidently relates to the fall of Thebes in October of 335BC ... but it may be a garbled reference to his history of Alexander; see Pearson, Lost Histories, 26); Jacoby, ...
This guide covers sites on and off the beaten track and contains extensive choices for places to stay and eat, detailed background on history, culture, art, and mythology and a...