A series that explores the developments, discoveries and inventions that gave rise to the latest medical techniques.
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Ginsberg , T. , and Glasky , A. J .: Inosiplex : An immunomodulation model for the treatment of viral disease . Ann . N.Y. Acad . Sci . , 284 : 128 , 1977 . 30. Ginsberg , T. , Settineri , R. , Pfadenhauer , E. , and Glasky , A. J ...
Hematologic , renal , CNS Penicillin G Low : 600,000-1.2 million units IM per day ( seizures ) reactions usually seen with high dose ( > 20 ... Coombs test positive hemolytic anemias are rare but typically severe ; in Penicillin V ...
Antimicrobial Drug Action
... RuziƩ, C.,Yang, E., Kee, H.L., Kirmaier, C., Diers, J.R., Bocian, D.F., Holten, D., Lindsey, J.S. and Hamblin, ... S., Peytavi, R., Boissinot, M., Huletsky, A., Bergeron, M.G. and Simard, B. (2008) Vancomycin-modified nanoparticles ...
Medicinal Properties of Plants: Antifungal, Antibacterial, and Antiviral Activities
David N. Gilbert, Robert C. Moellering, Merle A. Sande. TABLE 9B ( 7 ) CLASS , AGENT , GENERIC NAME ( TRADE ... Periarteritis nodosa & SLE , Stevens - Johnson syndrome , serum sin ) , sulfamethoxazole sickness syndrome , myocarditis .