Amusing pictures and simple text present the move to a new house in a positive and reassuring way.
Michael Q. Harvey , " The Multinational Corporations Expatriate Problem : An Application of Murphy's Law . ” Business Horizons 26 ( January - February 1983 ) : 72 . 12. Mark Mendenhall and Gary Oddon , “ The Dimensions of Expatriate ...
Fiction, Reading Recovery Level 10, F&P Level F, DRA2 Level 10, Theme Pets/Humor, Stage Early, Character Sammy
Bim becomes the hero of the hour when evil Weevil Sneekins makes off with the moving van which holds all the Dooley family's earthly possesions.
Lucy is lonely when she moves to a new school and has to leave her dog behind, but with the aid of Mrs. Murgatroyd's magical paints, Lucy discovers that being alone does not mean being lonely.
Lucy is lonely when she moves to a new school and has to leave her dog behind, but with the aid of Mrs. Murgatroyd's magical paints, Lucy sees how some...
But Mom, I Don't Want To Move!gives parents the guidance they need to get their children through this major change.
When Lucy's family moves to a new home, she is sad to leave her old house, school, and friends but feels much better after seeing her new room and meeting a new friend.
A simple, reassuring text about Lucy's move to a new house is designed to help young children cope with moving.
Moving House
An amusing and reassuring look at new or unusual experiences faced by children.