In 'Into The Shadows' Shirley Wells introduces forensic psychologist Jill Kennedy and DCI Max Trentham.
When he rang off, he said, “There was a break-in at Casey's Catering Company two nights ago, but nothing appeared to be missing. No one thought to count uniforms at that time, but one is definitely missing. Now we know where and how the ...
E CHAPTER 12 SPARKS AND SHATTERED glass exploded from the Porsche's passenger - side window as the driver fired off a cylinderful of hotloads at the two detectives . Abel braked just in time , and the Malibu's front end dropped harshly ...
Hi/lo anthology of classic stories by the master of horror for reluctant readers in grades 6-12. Includes "The Tell-Tale Heart," "The Oval Portrait," "The Pit and the Pendulum," "The Black Cat," "The Cask of Amontillado," and others.
Edgar Allan Poe ye was Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston in 1809. His parents both died before he three old . He lived with a years rich family , but he was never very happy . He was kicked out of college twice .
金西·米尔虹的事务所迎来了一位新客户。优雅高贵的贝弗莉·丹齐格委托金西寻找她失踪的姐姐。这看上去只是一宗相当普通的寻人案。因为生意不太好,而且有一堆账单等着要付 ...
F: 亡命者
本书讲述了八年前的一桩夹竹桃命案使尼基背负杀夫罪名入狱;八年后,假释出狱的尼基委托女侦探金西·米尔虹重新调查丈夫劳伦斯离奇死亡一案。金西发现了一条隐秘的线索 ...
Justin and Marissa Clarke are on an adventure trip in Brovania with their dad to uncover The Lost Legend, a priceless, ancient manuscript missing for nearly 500 years!
Jaclyn has moved to a tiny village near the Arctic Circle where each house has a creepy snowman with a deep scar on his face and a really evil smile.
In London with their family, telepathic twelve-year-old twins Liberty and July receive strange emanations from an early residence of Arthur Conan Doyle and discover a literary ghost.