Integrated Marketing Communications is a new text which will answer the key questions of what marketing communications is, how it works and why it is such a vital contemporary marketing function. It is a comprehensive and authoritative overview of this complex and rapidly evolving area. The author's long experience in the industry, and as a senior academic, ensures that the book is able to show how the communications process really works and how it can best be managed in a strategically and tactically cost effective manner. Throughout the book the framework of analysis, planning, implementation and control is used to help the student organize their approach to the complex decision making in the present communications environment. This is both an essential text and an indispensible reference resource and has been rigorously developed for undergraduates and postgraduates in Marketing and Business, and for the new CIM Certificate and Diploma exams in Business Communication, Promotional Practice and Marketing Communications. Considers the important role and contribution of the tools of market research, and explores the key issues of branding, brand imagery, brand extensions and brand stretch Carefully structured to give a complete picture of all components in modern marketing communications and the changing nature of the marketing communications environment Provides an overview of the important dimensions of consumer and organizational buying behaviour
... empowers us to better align our talent and resources, break down geographic barriers and focus on global growth of P&G's brands', explains Arthur Selkowitz, chairman and chief executive officer of D'Arcy Masius, Benton & Bowles.
An essential book for today's marketer now that integrated marketing communications form a critical success factor in building strong brands and strong companies This new edition is still the only textbook on the market to deal with all ...
Tells why mass marketing no longer works--and shows how integrated communications programs can respond to each customer.
Social media can help personalize a brand by creating interactive opportunities with its target audience. The opportunity to directly respond to questions, complaints, or rumors keeps brands in touch with their target and gives loyal ...
So, while retail image advertising has a direct effect on building brand attitude for a store, advertisements for the ... If you were to see advertising for a new women's clothing store and it was featuring expensive designer labels in ...
Based on the author's work experience in IMC and related fields, the publication focuses on the most durable principles of IMC, stressing best industry practices.
This edition has been thoroughly revised and each chapter includes: case studies of significant and award-winning campaigns from both Australian and international brands that illustrate the application of explored concepts; discussion and ...
Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is a holistic approach to the areas of advertising, public relations, branding, promotions, event and experiential marketing, and related fields of strategic communication.
Business Horizons, 41(6 (November/December)), 69–76. Clow, K.E. and Baack, D. (2004) Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Communication. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, p. 35. Harvey, M. (1999) When the cause ...
'China starts to lose its taste for McDonald's and KFC', Bloomberg News, 4 August 2016, ... For an excellent application of ELM predictions, see Paul W Miniard, Sunil Bhatla, Kenneth R Lord, Peter R Dickson and H Rao Unnava, ...