As with previous editions, the book is written in a logical and very practical style, supported by eleven real life case studies, reflecting the latest developments from leading exponents of TQM and Business excellence. Seven of the cases are brand new. Through all this, the author demonstrates how a total quality or business excellence strategy can be applied in all activities to achieve world-class performance.
Total Quality Management
To understand and profit from Total Quality Management, companies must pay particular attention to the first word in the phrase-total. The spectacular rewards enjoyed by top companies like 3M, FedEx,...
Written in plain language, this text discusses how to tailor TQM to fit the specific needs of organizations of all types and sizes. The focus is on the principles and processes as well as the tools and techniques for continuous improvement.
Text with Cases John S. Oakland ... Quality guru John Oakland's famous TQM model, in many ways a precursor to these frameworks, has evolved to become the ultimate holistic overview of performance improvement strategy.
This book is an ideal quick reference for any manager, designer, engineer, or researcher interested in quality.
If you agree with the argument that a company is much more likely to produce high quality if all departments are motivated to achieve high quality results then you already have a good understanding of the basic principles of Total Quality ...
Organisations are now focused on total customer satisfaction. However there is a lack of understanding the requirements and the customer needs. Total Quality Management (TQM) integrates all phases and ensures a defect free quality product.
All the examples used in this volume are drawn from the fields of public administration, gerontology, public health, and management of nonprofit organizations.
Total Quality Management