Each coursebook includes access to MARKETINGONLINE, where you can: * Annotate, customise and create personally tailored notes using the electronic version of the coursebook * Receive regular tutorials on key topics * Search the coursebook online for easy access to definitions and key concepts * Co-written by the CIM Examiner for the Strategic Marketing Management module to guide you through the 2003-2004 syllabus. * Free online revision and course support from www.marketingonline.co.uk. * Customise your learning, extend your knowledge and prepare for the examinations with this complete package for course success.
For managers and consultants, this book presents a conceptual framework that will help develop an overarching strategy for day-to-day decisions involving product and service design, branding, pricing, promotions, and distribution.
This book presents a comprehensive framework to guide business decisions involving product and service design, branding, pricing, sales promotion, communication, and distribution.
For example, Asea Brown Boveri, better known as ABB, had charged customers a daily rental fee for drilling pipe used on ... Another example is Rolls-Royce, the global market leader for commercial jet engines that powered half of the ...
This handy edition of the popular McGraw-Hill Executive MBA Series hardcover title will provide you with the insights and strategies you need to: Foster and nurture appropriate brand meanings that retain value in the marketplace Create a ...
Furthermore , according to industry expert , E. Gray Glass III of Kidder , Peabody , & Company , there are some positives in the industry such as demographics and promising Christmas sales . However , major concerns exist which include ...
This fully revised 3rd edition of Strategic Marketing: Decision-Making and Planning sets a framework for marketing decision-making as a part of a holistic approach to an organisationa s strategic management.
During the next four decades, Harrison's Reports frequently cited cases of on-screen brand-name products, ... Harrison's Reports severely criticized this scene in its film review and in a front-page editorial of the same issue.
This book offers a comprehensive framework for strategic marketing planning and outlines a structured approach to identifying, understanding, and solving marketing problems.
Strategic Marketing Management
Strategic Marketing Management: A process based approach integrates Marketing with other aspects of Management such as strategy, organisational theory, strategic financial management and management accounting, HRM, information systems, ...