Construction organisations worldwide are struggling with three issues: total quality management, supply chain management and knowledge management. Pressures from clients and recognition of the relatively slow growth in productivity in the sector are causing managers to focus on structural and strategic management issues. This book tackles each of these three themes, demonstrating their significance as strategic concepts for the construction sector and illustrating how development goals in each of these critical areas can be met. The book combines a theoretical basis with practical tools for management. Written by some of the world's leading experts, and illustrated with international case studies, Total Quality in the Construction Supply Chain offers students a clearly structured introduction to the concept of quality in the construction industry, while posing challenging questions for the most experienced professionals. ·Key management techniques applied specifically to the needs of the construction industry. ·International case studies discussed. ·Demonstrates how to achieve real and lasting improvements in quality across the industry.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Albin, J.M. Quality Improvement in Employment and Other Human Services – Managing for Quality through Change, Paul Brookes Pub., Baltimore, MD, 1992. Antony, J. and Preece, D. Understanding, Managing and Implementing ...
This book examines the various quality management systems applied to the construction industry in Hong Kong and other parts of the world. Hong Kong's experience is particularly important because it...
3 THE SUBWAY PROJECT SUPPLY CHAIN ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW A century, the quality of management science from the proposed to mature through a quality inspection, statistical quality control and total quality management in three stages, ...
The construction industry is faced with a host of new management techniques developed to improve quality and control cost. This book brings together the main new techniques in a single volume, with detailed guidance on further reading.
7.5 Summary and Conclusions The normal procurement environment and divisive culture in UK construction has until recently made the application of techniques such as Total Quality Management and Supply Chain Management difficult to apply ...
... 1.31 1.32 1.33 1.34 1.35 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Birth of total quality Construction project trilogy The feedback ... of TQM Phases of the TQM journey Elements of TQM QIS process Customer relationship management process Supply chain ...
BS 5750 (Quality Systems) part 1-3 and even part 8 are more relevant to repetitive processes than to one-off projects.This book shows that the philosophy and principles of quality management apply just as much to the construction industry ...
This text examines this process.
To accommodate those needs, this book presents the new management approaches that could be learned and applied in managing firms and projects.
Originally presented as the author's doctoral dissertation at Technische Universiteit Delft on November 25, 2011.