E-mail is a powerful marketing communications tool which excels at developing relationships with existing customers and acquiring new customers. This second edition builds on the author's successful formula, describing a practical approach to e-mail marketing for all marketers looking to exploit its potential or take their e-mail to the next level. Total e-Mail Marketing 2e draws on expertise and latest examples from leading European practitioners to detail practical tips to improve campaign results. Packed with brand new case studies and checklists to get you started or improve on past campaigns, the book covers all aspects of e-mail marketing, including: * Planning effective, integrated e-mail campaigns and e-newsletters * How to rapidly build a quality house list and select the best tools to manage it * Ethical and legal constraints in a fast-moving sector * Design and write HTML and text format e-mails for maximum response * Getting through the SPAM filters to maximize deliverability * Targeting, personalizing, measuring and improving e-mail campaigns * Integrating emerging technologies like blogs, RSS and mobile messaging * Practical dos and don'ts A vital supplement to the author's book e-Marketing eXcellence, also in its 2nd editon and co-written with PR Smith, this text is relevant to all marketers – specializing in e-marketing or not – as it offers an integrated campaign perspective and shows how to maximize integrated e-marketing results. * Completely updated edition of the bestselling e-mail marketing handbook * Brand new examples reflect the latest best practice in this fast-moving area * Tried-and-tested structure offers an integrated campaign perspective, crucial for all marketers wanting to maximize the benefits of e-mail
Small startup companies like Amazon.com have grown into online sales powerhouses, and all of these industry giants utilize e-mail marketing as a successful and integral part of their marketing portfolio. Atlantic Publishing Company ...
... Internet Marketing and Promotions by Peter Kent and Tara Calishain ( Top Floor Publishing ) Roger C. Parker's Guide to Web Content and Design by Roger C. Parker ( MIS Press ) Relationship Marketing on the Internet by Roger C. Parker ...
This book tells you how to use e-mail marketing properly and effectively so that no one sees you as a nasty spammer.
Total E-Mail Marketing-Maximizing Your Results From Integrated E-Marketing, 2e
E - MAIL is today's most powerful I Herschell Gordon Lewis's Effective E - Mail Marketing provides a practical and relevant map for anyone who wants to navigate the turbulent waters of e - mail marketing . From ' opt - in ' strategies ...
This book tells you how to use e-mail marketing properly and effectively so that no one sees you as a nasty spammer.
McDonald digs a bit deeper into this concept of true multichannel marketing in his prediction of the evolving social CRM. We talked a lot about the how email marketing and social media go together, and McDonald takes this even further ...
Holistic Email Marketing is a reliable source of up-to-date, practical guidance, inspiration and thought leadership to make your email marketing programmes dynamic.
... ensure that thousands of them would send a copy of it to their closest friends?” His answer was instant, “I would do it in a heartbeat.” I crossed my arms, stared him straight in the eye. 16 The Quiet Revolution in Email Marketing.
The book also includes seven deep dives to help you implement your onboarding, upsell, retention, referral, and behavioral sequences, among others.