For many communities and countries throughout the world tourism is the most valuable industry. This work addresses key ingredients for positive tourism policies and planning. It examines the future of tourism policy development and presents conceptual tools to equip students and professionals to make their own contribution to it.
De Lollis B. and B. Hansen. (2002). Airlines Abandon Small Cities USA Today, November 23. Dickerson, M., (2006). Buoyant Belize Cruise Trade May ... Fennell, D., and R. Dowling (Eds). (2003). Ecotourism Policy and Planning. Cabi, NY.
These are now complimented with a new introductory chapter and a concluding chapter that sets out a future research agenda for sustainable tourism policy and planning.
It is written from a tourism planning perspective and designed to offer a fresh and contemporary approach to this subject by focus on several major themes along with their integration within tourism policy, planning and development: * ...
This book sheds light onto these interrelations through the critical review of tourism planning policies and their measurable outcomes.
Illustrated with a set of cohesive, theoretically-informed, international case studies constructed through storytelling, this volume expands readers' knowledge about how tourism planning and policymaking takes place.
Illustrated with a set of cohesive, theoretically-informed, international case studies constructed through storytelling, this volume expands readers' knowledge about how tourism planning and policymaking takes place.
Contains excellent coverage of topics, including chapters on trends, perspectives, and practice, indigenous tourism, local tourism, and protected areas. Two practical features in each chapter illustrate and reinforce chapter content.
Along the way, author James Mak offers interpretations of what has worked, what has not, and why. He concludes with a chapter on the lessons learned while developing a dream destination over the past half century.
Recognizing its importance, the authors for the first time situate trust within the context of tourism development and planning. This volume discusses trust in tourism from different yet intrinsically connected perspectives.
Divided into four parts, this text discusses: * The growth, development and impacts of tourism * Tourism planning and management: concepts, issues and key players * Tools and techniques in tourism planning and management: education, ...