Examines how teacher educators are responding to the changing times and social contexts in which they work. This book sets out to examine some of the attempts at reform in teacher education around the world.
The earliest landmark decision on Bible reading was a Maine case , Donahue v . Richards in 1854. The school board of Ellsworth had expelled a fifteen - year - old girl , Bridget Donahue , for refusing to read from the King James version ...
Madson , Robert , 332 Maestas , Ernest , 308 Maggiotto , John , 288 Magiera , Stan , 57 Magill , M. Kenneth ... Arnold , 130 Mathis , Barbara H. , 316 Mathis , Evelyn S. , 232 Mathis , Robyn , 239 Matson , Albin , 223 Matthew , Charles ...
Educational Change and Local Government: The Impact of the Education Reform Act
Legitimacy in Education Policy Making: Hong Kong Case Study
Law and Education analyzes the legal and related policy developments of recent years.
Defining and Collecting Metrics on the Quality of School Governance: A Feasibility Study
Based on a long-term qualitative study of four 'ordinary' secondary schools, and working on the interface of theory with data, this book explores how schools enact, rather than implement, policy.
Strategic Choice: Corporate Strategies for Change in Higher Education
Denne antologien handler om forholdet mellom samfunn og barneoppdragelse.
14 There is considerable doubt as to when exactly Newman resigned his position , see McGrath , Newman's University , pp . 469-489 . History records that his major contribution in Dublin was the expression of his celebrated views on the ...