The guillotine is undoubtedly the most potent image of revolutionary France, the tool whereby a whole society was redesigned. Yet what came to be seen as an instrument of terror was, paradoxically, introduced as the result of the humanitarian feelings of men intent on revising an ancient and barbaric penal code. Robert Frederick Opie takes the reader on a sometimes terrifying journey through the narrow streets of 18th-century Paris and beyond. Initially scorned by the revolutionary mob for being insufficiently cruel, the swift and efficient guillotine soon became the darling of the crowd, despatching as many as 60 people a day beneath its blade. But the Razor of the Nation was to remain the chosen instrument of capital punishment until the 1970s, only finally being banned in 1981. This work traces the development of the guillotine over nearly two centuries, recounting the stories of famous executions, the lives of the executioners and the scientific research into whether the head retained consciousness after it was separated from the body that continued into the 1950s. The story recounts some diabolical uses of human inventiveness, but also many touching pleas for mercy.
A Tale of Two Cities CHARLES DICKENS CHAPTER XI A Companion Picture ♡ A “ companion piece ” or “ companion picture ” is a second picture that offers a slightly different view or treatment of a theme established in the original .
" The business of death can be absurd, and nothing illustrates this better than these tales of the gruesome and frankly ridiculous ways in which a number of ill-fated unfortunates met (or failed to meet) their maker.
This edition uses the text as it appeared in its first serial publication in 1859 to convey the full scope of Dickens's vision, and includes the original illustrations by H. K. Browne ('Phiz').
99 INNOCENT BLOOD recounts the heartwrenching stories of Cape rebels and republican soldiers executed by the British during the Anglo - Boer War . The Boer republics of the Transvaal and Orange Free State and the burgers of the Cape ...
This Prestwick House Literary Touchstone Edition? includes a glossary and reader's notes to help the modern reader contend with Dickens's complex approach to the human condition.Set against the backdrop of the French Revolution, A Tale of ...
The inhabitants of two cities--including a doctor, his devoted daughter, the young French aristocrat she loves, and their English friend--are swept into the tide of the French Revolution.
Albert Pierrepoint became an executioner in 1931, at the age of 27, and resigned his office as Official Executioner in 1956 .
The History of Torture and Execution examines these fascinating but grisly subjects by time, region, and method.
More than 180 black-and-white and color images illustrate the many and varied engines of this final punishment, and the inclusion of stories told by the victims themselves gives chilling insight into the horrors faced by prisoners condemned ...
This book examines what constitutes torture, the etymology of torture terms and whether torture can ever be justified.