This encyclopedia has over 1000 pages of information, more than 12,000 photographs and is arranged alphabetically for easy access.
More than five thousand articles on topics today's children need to understand are illustrated with ten thousand photographs and more than two thousand specially commissioned artworks, in a comprehensive yet easy-to-use three-volume ...
Compiled by expert consultants and experienced children's authors and subject specialists, the DK Illustrated Family Encyclopedia is packed with essential information about everything under the sun.
Dk Illustrated Family Encyclopedia 16 Volumes
This encyclopedia has over 1000 pages of information, more than 12, 000 photographs and is arranged alphabetically for easy access.
The Dorling Kindersley Illustrated Family Encyclopedia
The Dorling Kindersley Illustrated Family Encyclopedia: A-Arctic
Plus, they'll be able to discover more about subjects using more than 5,000 fully-vetted and regularly updated internet links. Perfect for projects or just for fun, this is the ultimate illustrated family encyclopedia.
The whole family will be inspired by the Bible stories in this beautifully illustrated volume. Special features throughout bring new understanding to the texts.
This landmark piece of reference publishing offers a reliable, visually stunning, and family-friendly alternative to online information sources. Includes carefully curated content, the pages of this illustrated encyclopedia are designed...
Written, edited, and designed by a team of experts, vetted by educational consultants, and properly levelled to the reading age, this is the ultimate knowledge book for kids. Explore, Wonder And Learn!