Here are the stories written on the Book of Blood. They are a map of that dark highway that leads out of life towards unknown destinations. Few will have to take it. Most will go peacefully along lamplit streets, ushered out of living with prayers and caresses. But for a few, the horrors will come, skipping, to fetch them off to the highway of the damned ... From the brilliant World Fantasy Award winner Clive Barker come fourteen spine-chilling stories of darkness unleashed, gathered together in one volume for the first time. These are visionary tales of terror which will curdle the very marrow in your bones ...
Volume One of Clive Barker's seminal Books of Blood contains the stories: 'The Book of Blood', 'The Midnight Meat Train', 'The Yattering and Jack', 'Pig Blood Blues', 'Sex, Death and...
As beautiful as they are terrible, the pages of this volume are stained with unsettling imagery, macabre humor, and visceral dread. Here then are the stories written on the Book of Blood. Read, if it pleases you, and learn.
Each volume contains five short horror stories.
"Describes the gross qualities of blood, and how it works to benefit a person's health"--Provided by publisher.
When Nora Kane discovers her best friend murdered and her boyfriend the apparent killer, she is caught up in a web of secret societies and conspirators, all searching for a device purported to allow direct communication with God.
Volume Two of Clive Barker's seminal Books of Blood contains the stories: 'Dread', 'Hell's Event', 'Jacqueline Ess: Her Will and Testament', 'The Skins of the Fathers', 'New Murders in the Rue Morgue'.
Clive Barker's Books of Blood
The Yattering and Jack: A Graphic Novel
From ancient history to modern science, to dark and often gruesome legends of vampires and plague, this thrilling and lively tour of the world of blood informs readers about the most important fluid in the body. 10,000 first printing.
Volume Three of Clive Barker's seminal Books of Blood contains the stories: 'Son of Celluloid', 'Rawhead Rex', 'Confession of a (Pornograapher's) Shroud', 'Scape-goats', 'Human Remains'. With the 1984 publication of...