‘Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.’ These words, spoken at war memorials across the United Kingdom and around the world on 11 November every year, encapsulate how we commemorate our war dead. Lest We Forget looks at how we remember not only those who died in battle, but also those whose memory is important to us in other ways. This wide-ranging review considers such topics as Holocaust Memorial Day, the Hillsborough Disaster, memories of the Spanish Civil War, the genocide in Rwanda, Diana, Princess of Wales and the role of the Cenotaph and the National Memorial Arboretum. With an endorsement from The Royal British Legion, which celebrates its 90th anniversary in 2011, this is a timely study, and is relevant not only to people in the United Kingdom, but recognises the universal need to remember.
Lest We Forget
"Timed for the centenary of the Gallipoli landing, this powerful story about a boy and his grandfather will help even the very young understand the significance of ANZAC Day."--Publisher's website.
interested in the fine physical prospect of his brother - in - law and traded Shepard his “ likely nigger " for a wagon , mules , a lot of other goods , and three hundred dollars in cash . Once outside Richmond , the two headed toward ...
Reproduces papers, memoirs, personal effects and photographs from the Black Holocaust Exhibit
In this unique devotional George R. Knight reintroduces us to our spiritual ancestors.
Lest We Forget recounts the background of these soldiers, but it also tells the often-overlooked story of what happened to New Mexico's veterans after the war.
And yet is this right? David Rieff, an independent writer who has reported on bloody conflicts in Africa, the Balkans, and Central Asia, insists that things are not so simple.
A rare look inside the US special operations medical course, follow the author as he trains for the reality of combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. Lest We Forget is a brazen introspective into the reality of war.
Lest We Forget vividly ensures that the wartime experiences of ordinary people will never be forgotten.
Lest We Forget