The original THE BIBLE CODE - a phenomenal bestseller across the world For 3000 years a code in the Bible has remained hidden. Now it has been unlocked by computer - and it may reveal our future. The code, broken by an Israeli mathematician, foretells events that happened thousands of years after the Bible was written. It foresaw both Kennedy assassinations, the Oklahoma bombing - everything from World War II to Watergate, from the Holocaust to the Moon landing. Published to a frenzy of media attention, THE BIBLE CODE became a Number One bestseller.
Using a new statistical test that promises to provide an authoritative, credible answer to the Bible code debate, computational physicist Dr. Randall Ingermanson leads you on an easily understandable, meticulously planned investigation of ...
In this highly readable book, Sherman offers both skeptics and believers a gold mine of information that will prompt much thinking about the origins of the Bible.
Cracking the Bible Code is the true account of the most amazing scientific research ever undertaken. References to important names, dates, and historical events have been found encoded in the book of Genesis.
The Bible code-the ancient code encrypted in the Bible that may reveal our future-was made known to the world by investigative reporter Michael Drosnin.
Unlocking Divine Messages Hidden in the Bible Timothy P. Smith ... Tempe, AZ: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2000. Bauer, Craig P. Secret History: The Story of ... Remnants of Crypto-Jews Among Hispanic Americans.
I hope this book has been an eye-opening experience for you all. Now comfort one another with the Gospel of the Kingdom of Christ. because time is running out. I hope to see you in THE KINGDOM.
This book is about the history and the future prospects of the world. It was found encrypted in the holy Torah, the first five books of the Old Testament.
In Bible Codes Revealed, Shriner challenges readers to consider the possibility of a future global alien and UFO invasion, and more importantly, what we can and should do once this event transpires.
Torah Codes: A Glimpse Into the Infinite
From the internationally bestselling author Ezra Barany comes this award-winning Jewish version of The Da Vinci Code.