It's over thirty years since Yasser Arafat swept onto the world stage as leader of the Palestine Liberation Organisation, a machine gun in one hand and an olive branch in the other. In that time he has become many things to many people: terrorist, a Nobel Peace Prize-winner and to the Bush Whitehouse, a Pariah once more. Based on hundreds of frank and revealing interviews with senior Israeli and Palestine officials, including Arafat himself, Arafat: The Biography documents his transition from terrorist to statesman then marginalisation following the tragic collapse of the Oslo Peace Accords. Examining the charge that the bitter personal blood-fued between Arafat and Isreal's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is a major obstacle to peace in the Middle-East, this book separates Arafat the man from Arafat the myth. A penetrating, balanced insight into the international and intelligence links, and the internal machinery, of the Palestinian regime.
Updated through the first term of President George W. Bush, this edition analyses how each US president since Lyndon Johnson has dealt with the complex challenge of Arab-Israeli peacemaking.
Gordon to Epstein , 17 June 1940 , and Epstein to Gordon , 17 July 1940 , both in CZA , S25 / 4549 ( Heb . ) . 60. Black , “ Zionism and the Arabs , ” p . 278 . 61. Sasson contracted with one M.N. in Lebanon for the publication of 75 ...
McMahon ( 1862-1949 ) , British High Commissioner in Cairo , negotiated with Sharif Hussein of Mecca . He had approached the High Commissioner in July 1915 , offering Arab aid against Turkey if Britain , in return , would pledge support ...
In response to a surprise incursion by Hezbollah combatants into northern Israel and their abduction of two Israeli soldiers, Israel launched a campaign that included the most complex air offensive to have taken place in the history of the ...
A vivid, intellectual journey through the works of the renowned writer
Anything written today concerning the Jewish nation is significant. But when a book appears from the pen of a scholar such as Dr. Charles L. Feinberg, it becomes significant indeed. This book will stir much thought on the part of readers.
The responsibility for co - ordinating the efforts to advance the peace process fell to the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State , Richard Murphy . He was trying to narrow the gap between what Peres could deliver and what Hussein could ...
The Case for Moral Clarity: Israel, Hamas and Gaza
Initiating. peres in not only a politician for the late twentieth century; he is Cognizant of his responsibility to those who came before and Thos who will follow.
Machomenos gia tēn eirēnē