Concerns about the recent explosions of diseases like HIV, the West Nile Virus, and other avian and swine flus that originate in animals have encouraged new efforts on a global scale to bridge the gap between animal and human medicine for the benefit of both. Zoobiquityis the first book to explore many of the human and animal health issues that overlap and provides new insight into the treatment of many diseases including diabetes, cancer, heart disease and mental illness. But Zoobiquityis even bigger than health and academic medicine, and encompasses much more than our diseases and how to cure them. It sheds light on the evolution of hierarchies and similarities between a tribe of apes and a Fortune 500 company. It suggests that the ways we run our political and justice systems may overlap with how animals protect and defend their territories - and that examining this possibility in a scientifically credible way could help strengthen our institutions. It dangles the possibility that human parenting could be informed by a greater knowledge and respect for how our animal cousins solve issues of childcare, sibling rivalry and infertility.
A much needed examination of contemporary approaches to animal healing in South Africa, informed by a strong understanding of history.
... rapide et régulière Irrégulière, plus lente Exemples Surveillance de l'ESB en France Enquête écopathologique continue (Barnouin, 1980) Technicien vétérinaire d'État Technicien faune sauvage Vétérinaire privé Auxiliaire d'élevage.
A true review format, this book features tools such as chapter outlines, learning outcomes, a glossary, and multiple-choice questions to aid readers' comprehension of material.
This Guide gives individual dairy farmers proactive guidance on how these objectives can be achieved on their farm.
An introduction to the planning and evaluation of disease control policy; Epidemiology: some basic concepts and definitions; The use of descriptive statistics in the presentation of epidemiological data; The epidemiological approach to ...
Ilmu daging. Terjemahan Parakkasi, A. Universitas. Nottingham, Cambrige Macdonald, A. 1993. The babirusa (Babyrousa babyrussa) IUCN/SSC. Hippo Specialist Group Muttaqin, L., D.W. Sinaga, A.H. Mustari, L.M. Clayton dan S.H. Lagurusu.
About the 2001 foot and mouth epidemic in the United Kingdom.
Se debe hacer los puntos aproximadamente a los 5mm en animales pequeños y a 10mm de distancia en animales grandes ... Se usa la anestesia local para reducir el sufrimiento del animal durante la sutura de su herida o durante operaciones ...
Zoonotic mycoplasmoses: waiting to happen D. N. Garg and Y. Singh Part - IV: Food Adulteration and Food Allergies 18. Status of pesticide residues in foods of animal origin in India S. P. Singh 19.
This book provides a wealth of practical information on the application of biosecurity measures in both farm and companion animal settings.